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Healthy Local Food in Schools


Here is a hot topic which everyone's talking about.

Last year, Gloucestershire Food Links received funding from the SEED Lottery Fund and Gloucestershire County Council to run an 18 month "Healthy Local Food In Schools" project.

We have recorded our experiences to help you work with your local schools, farmers markets and local producers and farmers to do something new and exciting in your area.

Here are the main areas we have explored, click on the title to find out more;

A Whole School Approach

School Dinners

"A Year In the Life of the Farmers' Market" project

Setting up a Junior Farmers Market

Junior Farmers Market case study

Setting up a Fruit Tuck Shop

A Children's debate on farmers' markets

Farm Visits

Apple Days           

Bees In The Curriculum

Wheat, Barley and Oats    

This work was carried out by local chef and food expert Robert Rees in partnership with Made in Stroud and Cherry Bevan, who wrote the curriculum links and teachers notes and helped us with the projects.

Contact us if you would like us to help you run a similar project in your school.

Do you eat five portions a day of fruit and vegetables?











School project at Kitchen Garden preserves






Gloucestershire Food Links, 16 Kendrick Street, Stroud, Glos, GL5 1AA.   Tel: 01453 758060   Email: